time to learn


How much does a design cost (some typical fees)?

A multi-room commercial recording studio facility design may have service fees beginning in the $25,000 range. A single room audiophile or control room design would typically be in the $4,000 range. Important to understand is that EVERY job has its own factors and its own properly defined scope of work. Sometimes, we play the role of just consulting in a certain aspect of a project and those fees might be only a few hundred dollars.  Acoustical Design and Consulting costs are quoted per job.

How does remote acoustical design work?

Remote Design works because today’s technology allows detailed and timely communications, because advances in acoustical modeling processes/software, and because the remote design process HdAcoustics utilizes has been perfected over the past twenty-five years.  Today, it is common to have remote services in many parts of life.  HdAcoustics was ahead of this curve.  That said, we lean heavily on the partnerships with our “boots on the ground” people on every project.

What does a design include?

Getting to know each other and the project details is the first step.  Next up, creating acoustical models and studies and then sharing design concepts (developed from these studies).  The project then moves into documentation, or the plans the guide creating the concept in real-life.  Supporting the build, remotely, is a key part of the design and ultimately remote room testing (RRT) concludes the design.

Client preparation and role through the process?

Inspiration is a big part of the design process and what is inspiring to our clients is a big driver of the design process.  Please feel free to share what inspires you be that a musician, another room of your type, an architectural space that has nothing to do with your project, etc…


Timely communications- Accurate Communications-Clarity in Needs/Goals are a big part of the client’s role in every project.

How long does a design take?

A design might take as little as two weeks (on a small project) and we have projects that are still making progress years after the initial communications. There is a natural ebb and flow of communication and workflow that factors the project and people’s needs. A fully designed HiFi room may take up to a month for an initial concept and an equal amount of time for the document set. A multi-room commercial studio might take multiple months to complete the design and document set. 

What about permits?

The documentation needed to be granted a building permit from your local building and safety department is entirely defined by your local codes. HdAcoustics is neither a licensed architect nor a structural engineering firm. HdAcoustics will work with local architects or builders on the document set for review and permit (as needed). We will bring in our partners (builders, architects, or structural engineers) to a client’s team where appropriate. There are situations where our drawings have been able to be submitted and the permit is issued to the licensed general contractor.

What is acoustical modeling?

The simulation of how sound reacts within the targeted space is acoustical modeling.  Low frequency sounds behave differently than mids and highs.  They require highly specialized methods, different than the rest of the audio spectrum.  In small room acoustics, acoustical modeling can be extremely useful to optimize room dimensions, room geometry, speaker positions, subwoofer position(s), and the mix (or listening position).

What is Remote Room Testing (RRT)?

RRT is a service developed to take the burden from our clients to learn how to operate and analyze the great room test apps like REW, ARTA and HolmImpulse. It is also a way to gain extremely valuable project information without the additional costs of travel. HdAcoustics has spent years perfecting a method to remotely capture acoustical data that can be processed in many meaningful ways. We understand that the information in a graph must connect to the experiences people hear in each room. There is no end to this passion and curiosity to gain more data points- different rooms, different speakers, and different human preferences.

Sound Isolation Consulting?

Determining how much sound level will transmit (and the frequency content of that sound energy) from one location to another is the essence of sound isolation consulting. Impact noise is another important part of Sound Isolation Consulting.

Will you build or buy acoustical materials?

The best rooms have “purposed” dimensions, “purposed” construction, and full surface site-built acoustical systems. That said, HdAcoustics offers options using materials that are modular from commercial vendors or designed to be built by clients.